Beta Reader Sign-up
I’ve received quite a few requests for people inquiring about being a Beta Reader for my soon-to-be-released novel, Lost City (Tales of Lentari #1). I will tell you guys that it means the world to me to have so many people asking! I truly appreciate it!
I usually have three to four Beta Readers, which includes a friend of mine from Ohio who’s been a BR for Insurrection and Amulet of Aria. So the first spot is taken there. I also use a good friend of mine, who we’ll call Lia (yes, THAT Lia – based her character off of her). Now, ordinarily a few other family members also want to be included, which I’ll accomodate, but I don’t include that with the overall count.
But since I’ve had so many people ask, I’ll tell you all that I’ll be picking three others from my list of potentials. The more eyes the merrier, right? So if you’re interested, and you haven’t already indicated your interest in being a BR for me, do so now. I’ll be making my selections here very soon. I’m getting really close to finishing! As before, with Amulet of Aria, I’ll put up the progress indicator that let’s everyone know where I stand with the book being released.
Thanks for all of your interest, everyone! I so appreciate it!
I know I am probably too late to get in on this however I would absolutely love to be a beta reader. I haven’t been getting many of your fb posts and somehow missed this discussion. anyhooo I have tossed my hat in the pile (most likely huge). and beta reader or not I am looking forward to the next instalment
Hi Danyel! Are you from Lake Havasu? How cool? Although, right now it’s anything but cool outside. 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to look me up! I’m really glad you enjoyed the books and thank you very much for recommending my books to your mother! I hope she likes them, too!
The Lost City (Tales of Lentari #1) should be out later this month. Keep your fingers crossed!!! The cover is finished. My illustrator in England has finished the job(s) I gave to him. Beta readers are standing by.
Keep checking back here! Once the book goes live, I’ll post a comment here! Have a great weekend!
This has absolutely nothing to do with being a BR but since this is the most recent post I thought to leave my comment here!
As a fellow Havasuian I’m so thankful for you and your amazing work! I LOVE your books and have just recently gotten my mother HOOKED as well! I’m super excited for the new book to come out! Can hardly wait! Happy writing :)!!
Hi, Elizabeth!
Yep, I do remember your message from Facebook, and your name is certainly on the list of potential BRs!
Thank you very much for your interest!
thought I left msg. about helping out with being a b.r. anyway….sure would love to.