Lost City’s Cover Revealed!
Hello citizens of Lentari!
As promised, I’m posting the updated, full color cover for Lost City (Tales of Lentari #1)! The same artist that has done all my covers, Rachel aka FalyneVarger, from DeviantArt.com is responsible for this cover as well. Just like I’ve had Rachel draw all the covers, her husband Richard has been responsible for all title graphics for the books, including Lost City as well. I don’t know how they do it, but I’m damn glad they do! They did an awesome job, didn’t they?
Now it’s on to the really hard part. Book description. I have to summarize Lost City in just a couple of paragraphs. Trying to write a synopsis for your own work ranks right up there (for me) as one of the top 5 Least Favorite Activities I have to do. Emptying the dishwasher and frosting a cake are some of the others, in case you’re interested. *sigh* Better get to it!
Beta Readers, check the BR protected thread. I’ve updated some info in there for you!
I was exploring my new kindle Amazon app on my new phone found a bunch of books I liked. somewhere good somewhere bad I love this one. shared it with my 12 year old niece and 13 year old nephew they love it too. ( their parents have actual kindle)
I hate to say but many times I buy a book because I like the cover. Bad cover and I don’t know the author of the book I will not buy the book. I love the cover and it would make me buy it.
jeffrey i love it it looks great
Thx, Christy! I’m really pleased with how it turned out!
This is a fantastic cover! The artist did a wonderful job! Love it!!!!!