Sep 2, 2013 - General, News, Updates 11 Comments
Lost City has been released!
It’s released! Here are the first set of links where Lost City can be purchased:
Apple’s iBookstore (USA), Barnes & Noble’s Nook (USA), Barnes & Noble’s Nook (UK)
Also available: Amazon’s Kindle, Amazon UK, Smashwords, Kobo Ebooks
I’m still waiting on Diesel and Sony…
Hi, Jason! Thx for checking out Lost City! Hope you like it!
Thx, Christina! I appreciate you helping spread the word!
Just downlaoded the Kindle version of your newest adventures can’t wait to read it.
Loved Lost city! Telling all my friends they need to read it as well…Great Job Jeffrey and thank you for writing the awesome books!
Hi Karen!
I’ve been told I use a little too much swearing, especially in Insurrection (#2). So I deliberately toned it down for Amulet of Aria and all but eliminated the profanity in my latest, which is Lost City.
Others have rated the Bakkian Chronicles as essentially PG-13. I would rate Lost City as a solid PG. You’ll have to let me know what you think about the first novel from Tales of Lentari!
Hi, I just read Bakkain Chronicles – The Prophecy
I am a grandmother and read books before I recommend to my grandchildren. The only complaint I have is the cussing. Could you please release a kids version? They will love this series!!! Thanks for considering and I am looking forward to the rest of the series and beyond!
Hello Laura and Trent!
You two are officially entered for a chance to win a signed paperback copy of Lost City!
Thanks for stopping by!
Please put me in for the drawing. I love this story. I feel like I’m right there with them.
Please put me on the list for the giveaway for Lost City paperback! I can’t wait till you get to 150 likes for the four book giveaway! I think it would be cool if you made your next trilogy with dragons being the main characters. Loving Lost City!
Anytime, Laura! It’s a real source of enjoyment to bring these stories to life! I hope you like it!
Just got it and can not wait to spend all day reading it. Thanks for working so hard to get Lost City done!