Aug 6, 2014 - General, News, Updates    1 Comment

Update on aPfyT (Tales of Lentari #3)!

Hi, everyone!  Have you been enjoying your summer?  If you’re a fellow Arizonan, have you been staying out of the sun?  Man alive it’s hot & muggy out there.  *sigh*  I keep telling myself that its August now and it should start getting better soon!

I’m making huge progress on aPfyT!   Barring any unforeseen circumstance, I should be able to get this book released this year.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I WILL get two books released in the same year!!!  I’m really surprised to hear myself saying this, but I do think it is time to start thinking about what cover I’d like to do for Tales of Lentari #3.  Looking through the past covers make me realize how often I use dragons on the cover as there’s only one book that doesn’t feature dragons.  Well, aPfyT, while having dragons in it, will not feature our favorite wyverians on the cover.  I think it’s time for something new.  So the challenge is to come up with a fantasy element that doesn’t show dragons but yet still conveys the fantasy theme of the book.  I will have to start thinking about it.

Recently I asked for some name suggestions on Facebook and you guys certainly delivered.  I have quite a few in my notebook now and have already tapped into them to bring some to life.  I hadn’t realized how many names I was going to need, but as I keep writing I keep using more and more names so don’t be too surprised if I ask for some more help sometime soon.  And for those of you who are curious, I will say its getting more and more likely that aPfyT is gonna be a two parter!  I hope no one has any problems with that!

It’s still several months away but I also realize it’s time to start thinking about Beta Readers, too.  I already have a few lined up but I’m always looking for more.  Interested?  Email me at jmpoole (at) gmail dot com and let me know you’d like to sign up!  Make sure you let me know that your grammar skills are far better than mine.  Derek, no comments from the peanut gallery!

That’s it for now.  I wanted to let everyone know that progress continues on aPfyT and that I think you guys are really going to enjoy it.  I will post a sneak peek soon but I think, to keep the peace, the excerpt will be much shorter than what I typically post so that it doesn’t give anything away!  Again, feel free to say hello here or on Facebook!

Happy reading!


1 Comment

  • cant wait! love all of your books!