Sep 18, 2014 - General, News, Updates    Comments Off on I’m featured in iBooks!

I’m featured in iBooks!

I was fortunate enough to warrant an invitation from Mark Coker, founder of Smashwords, to put together a box set with some other authors and submit it to be included in a worldwide promotion Apple will be holding.   This promotion is slated to start today and last through October 14th.  Only 100 box sets will participate and of those, only 40 were coming from Smashwords.  Of those, there will only be 7 or 8 from each genre.

I was thrilled to death to be included.  I hurriedly contact several other author friends of mine and invited them to participate.  In less than 2 weeks Fantasy 101 was born.  Each of us submitted the first book in one of our series in the hopes that it will attract more readers to us.  I submitted Lost City.  Ms. Lindsay Buroker, of Emperor’s Edge fame, contributed Encrypted, Bill Ainsworth contributed Hemlock and the Wizard Tower, and Steve Thomas submitted his first Klondaeg novel, Klondaeg the Monster Hunter.

I just checked iBooks.  We’re holding at the #2 spot!!!!  If you go to the Bundled Books section under “Featured”, you see the different genres laid out before you.  Second row down.  Fantasy.  See it?  Makes me smile every time I do!!

Now, care to help a group of indie authors out?  Help spread the word.  Share with whatever media outlet you have at your disposal.  Let’s see if we can get Fantasy 101 to break into a few best seller lists, ok?

Thank you!  I hope you have a great day!

Direct iBooks link:  Fantasy 101 (SFF Box Set

iTunes link (opens in iTunes):  Fantasy 101 (SFF Box Set)

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