Polishing the next short story!
I apologize for not posting as much as I should. No excuses! My vacation is literally just around the corner and I cannot wait for it to begin! My wife & I are Disney fanatics, so we’re heading to Disneyland. We just became annual passholders, too! Woo-hoo!
I would like to announce that my 3rd short story is just about finished. Once it is, and I have it checked, of course, I’ll post it online here on the blog as a treat for the fans of the series. Then, after I’m sure everyone has had a chance to read it, I’ll pull it and publish it through the typical channels. What’s it about? Well, let me give you a brief synopsis!
The Hunt for Red Oskorlisk is a fun, witty tale of two friends trying to win a wager. What friends? That would be Steve and Pryllan. What’s the wager? Well, it has been suggested that a dragon who carries a rider is much more effective than one who doesn’t. How would a winner be determined? By a contest, of course! Be the first to tag the oskorlisk, or great sea serpent, during the Great Hunt and reap all the accolades that comes with it. Be fortunate enough to tag the elusive and very rare red serpent and the contest is over.
Let the Hunt for Red Oskorlisk commence!