Mar 18, 2015 - General, Indie Authors, News, Updates    2 Comments

SFWA Member!


I can’t believe I get to announce this, but guess what?  I’m now an active member of SFWA!   What’s that?  Don’t know what SFWA is?  It’s the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writer’s of America!  It used to be only traditional authors could join as the association’s strict prereqs for acceptance had to be a publishing contract worth a certain amount of money.

With so many indie authors releasing books the association modified its acceptance guidelines to include self-pubbed authors.  We just have to show them that our income is at least at the same minimum requirements for a traditional author.

Well, I was able to do it!  Woohoo!  I get to participate in their forums, vote on Nebula nominated works, and so on.  There’s a legal team in your corner in case you ever need to consult a lawyer.  You’re amongst peers, so if you ever have a question, or want to run an idea by someone, that’s the place to do it.  It’s quite an honor, let me tell you!



  • Thanks, Kirsten! I appreciate it! It’s a helluva honor. 🙂

  • Wonderful! You certainly deserve the honor