Looking for that next great book!

Are you an aspiring author?  Have you already published a book or two and are looking for more reviews?  If your title has 10 reviews or less, is either sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, or thriller, and doesn’t feature vampires or zombies, feel free to drop me a line.  I’m always looking for that new great read.

Instead of telling you what books I like I’ll instead tell you which I don’t care for.  I’m not a fan of horror.  Or erotica.  I don’t like zombies or vampires, but I will say that I’ve read several stories that had a little of each as supporting characters and I was okay with it.  The worst that could happen is that I’d just tell you that I wasn’t interested.  Otherwise if you’re looking for reviews, leave a comment with your book’s blurb and I’ll go take a look.

Happy reading!


ps.  ToL6 is coming along nicely, as is my very first mystery novel!  🙂

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