Mar 21, 2019 - General    15 Comments

Paperback Giveaway!

In celebration of the release of my newest mystery novel, Case of the Chatty Roadrunner (Corgi Case Files #6), I’m going to be hosting a giveaway. Up for grabs is a signed, paperback copy of the book. The contest is open to all fans, regardless of location/country. Want to enter? All you have to do is caption the photo below. What do you think Kinsey is thinking?


  • Thank you very much!! I will be looking forward to the books arrival!

  • And we have a winner! “Are we done yet? It’s time to play!”, from Kathy, takes the prize! Send me an email with your address and I’ll send you out your book!

  • Hurry up, it's almost time for Lassie!

  • So did I get the part of Batfink.

  • Pointless whispering I can still hear you.

  • Seriously… are kidding….right?t is NOT I repeat NOT bath time!!!!

  • Awwww Jeff I told you not to look under the mat!!

  • I'm sure he's asking you with his puupy eyes if NOW is the time to go for a walk 🙂

  • Aw, do I HAVE to take a nap?

  • "You see that T.V. behind me? If I don't get a walk you can kiss it good bye!"

  • Awe come on, just five more minutes to watch my favorite t.v. show, please!!!

  • Kinsey quote: UM…. I think you have forgotten I need feeding now and again ! I am staring at you as best as I can. . .

  • Are you done yet? Its time to play!!

  • Did somebody just say "new book"

  • Shouldn't you be writing not taking pictures?