Sep 30, 2020 - General, Latest, News, Updates    4 Comments

Corgi Case Files… Missing!

Today marks the day I “unpublished” all ten of my Corgi Case Files titles. I pulled them from Amazon, Google, and Smashwords. Now, you might find them for sale at a few retailers in the upcoming days, but as time passes, you’ll be hard-pressed to find them. This includes ebooks and print editions, but does NOT include audiobooks. Trust me, this is okay. In fact, it’s intentional.

So, what is this all about? Well, as I mentioned a week or so ago, my Corgi Case Files series was picked up by a publisher! Columbine Publishing Group will handle everything about the ebook and print formats from now on. Since I already had an arrangement for the audiobooks, those weren’t included.

My publisher assured me they will get them re-released as soon as possible. Maybe the first three by the end of the year? We will see. Fingers crossed! Nevertheless, Corgi Case Files may be currently missing, but rest assured, they will be back. Look for them under the Secret Staircase Books name, Columbine’s Mystery & Thriller imprint.

I shouldn’t forget to mention… Case of the Great Cranberry Caper (Corgi Case Files #11) should be released in time for the holidays this year! Happy reading!


  • Hi Clara –

    Please pass on my condolences to your daughter in losing her beloved corgi. I know what that's like, and quite honestly, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Love the name, by the way. 🙂

    With regards to adding anything about the Covid pandemic, I've thought about it, and I've made allusions to is in CCF11, but seeing how it's unpleasant enough in real life, I'm thinking I'll spare the residents of PV from it. Can't have many adventures if you're trying to self-quarantine and stay home.

    Thank you very much for your message! CCF11 should be ready next month! Stay safe and happy reading!


  • Hi Sue –

    Nothing much will be changing, other than the publisher is now responsible for all the designing and formatting of the book, and I'm only responsible for writing it. So, on the reader side of things, you're really not going to see any difference!


  • What does this mean for those of us reading your books on kindle?

  • I have to say that I have enjoyed all of your CCF books. Of course, I really enjoy and look for any books set in Oregon or the Pacific Northwest.
    My daughter first started your series and then lost her Corgi, Luna Lovegood, As you can see, we are also big fans of the Harry Potter series. Sadly, she has been unable to finish the series.
    I would love to be one of your beta testers!
    Also, are you going to include anything about the Covid 19 Pandemic.
    Thanks so much for writing tis series and I am looking forward to book #11.