Book I Reborn!!
It only took a few days to create, and a few more days to make a couple of minor changes to the text that I had noticed a while ago, but my first book has been officially rereleased from CreateSpace using the gorgeous new cover that Rachel created for it. For those of you that don’t know, she’s the very gifted artist who created the cover for Book II. Her husband, Richard, once again did the title graphics so that it’d be a wonderfully matching set. I put the two books side by side, and trust me, it blows that f-ugly gray thing that PublishAmerica created right out of the water.
So to celebrate, I put a copy of the first book (third edition!) up on a Goodreads giveaway, open to residents of the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, and Australia. If you’d like a chance to win a signed copy, stop by the Goodreads giveaway and enter! If you’re not a member of Goodreads, that’s ok. Membership is free!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Bakkian Chronicles, Book I – The Prophecy
by Jeffrey Poole
Giveaway ends June 30, 2012.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Bakkian Chronicles, Book II – Insurrection
by Jeffrey Poole
Giveaway ends June 30, 2012.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Good luck to all who enter!
Hello, Mona –
Thanks for taking the time to look me up to leave me feedback. I won’t say that all my research was perfect, and I will say that I was learning as I was going with my first book. However, with that being said, this is a foreign, magical world we’re talking about. I took a few liberties with several “sciences”, deliberately changing them from what we’re used to on our world.
I do appreciate you giving Prophecy a try! Hope you’re having a great day!
I’ve started reading The Prophecy even though it’s been so long since it was released. I know that you are an accomplished author and I respect the challenges that putting any story out into the world can bring to a person. However, I’m enough of a history nerd (not to mention a little OCD about details) to wish that authors did their research for a topic. Even if that topic might be something fleeting.
My issue with the book came down to one thing. Steve Miller blackmithing a damascus blade. I literally threw my Kindle Fire across my bed in frustration. (I wouldn’t throw it across the room, come on it’s a Kindle Fire!)
Repeatedly “quenching” a blade, ie dunking it in a tank of water, makes metal brittle and unusable. I’m able to suspend disbelief for most science fiction and fantasy topics, but there are only so many things you can do with metal. Even if you are a dwarf. Also, water cools metal down way too fast and can cause warping and uneven hardening so oil is recommended for a quench. Metal can be cooled between working, but letting it cool down naturally will not harden the metal.
I understand wanting to tell your story, and I’m sure that the rest of the books are as much of an easy read as the beginning book. However, I’m not certain that I’ll be reading the rest. Maybe I’ll pick it back up at another time.