Countdown to Book 3’s release!
The finish line is in sight. My wife has returned the last chapter to me and I’m plugging holes left and right. She’ll get the completed manuscript, from cover to cover, this weekend and she assures me she’ll be done by Sunday night. Then it’s off to my beta readers. They’ll have a week to go through it and suggest changes. Then it’s off to the editor, and if things go my way, I’ll be able to release Amulet of Aria by the end of the month.
I thought it’d be a cool way to follow progress by indicating what steps are left below and then showing which stage its at. So, without further ado, here are the remaining steps:
1. Finish the darn book. Done!
2. Give the last chapter to my wife. Done!
3. Last chapter returned, changes implemented. Done!
4. Give completed manuscript to wife. Have her read from cover to cover. Done!
5. Implement any changes from final perusal. Done!
6. In the hands of the beta readers. Done!
7. Implement any necessary changes suggested by beta readers. Done!
8. Given to editor and is now being edited. Done!
9. Follow editor’s advice and make changes. Done!
10. Submit to Amazon & Smashwords and get the sucker released! Done!
11. Finalize print edition and order proof copy! Done!
Hi there! An audio book, huh? Interesting. I was just looking at a website a few days ago to see about the feasibility of creating an audio file for authors.
To answer your question, I’m seriously entertaining the idea!
If it wasn’t for my wife, I’m sure my books would have more holes than Swiss cheese. 🙂
She’s a tremendous help, that’s for sure!
Loved the first two and can’t wait for the third! I was just wondering if there are any plans to release the books as audiobooks at any point? I have a few friends who are unable to read but can listen who I know would love your books! Really hope they will be out in audio format at some point.
Hi Fire Thrower
I have been looking forward to the third book for what feels like forever. I’m checking my kindle for it on a daily basis now. HURRY UP!!! j/k… like the rest I’m just excited and a little jelous of your wife. Lucky girl. Lol. Thanks again for a great adventure and I advertise your book to friends every chance I get. Keep up the great work.
Hi there celticteddy76!
Thank you so much for looking me up to say hello! I’m so very glad you enjoyed the books so much that you ordered print copies. That, my friend, made my day!
The third book is in the hands of my editor. Just as soon as she’s finished I’ll be releasing simultaneously everywhere I can. Kindle, Smashwords, and CreateSpace for the print edition. The ebooks come first, though. 🙂
Thanks for recommending my books to your co-worker! I truly appreciate it!
I picked up the first book on my Nook for free and was immediately hooked. So much so that I actually ordered the hard copy and the second one!
I just finished the second one and can’t wait for the third to come out. The books grab you right away! They are definitely a “can’t put down” read.
I love when I find a new author to read and have passed along the info on your books to a co-worker. Great job!!
Hi Zieaon – I just heard back from my final beta reader. I need to get his notes and go through them then it’s off to my editor. She says she can get through it in about a week and a half.
Step 9 usually takes me less than a day. Then I can get it uploaded to Amazon and have it available in less than 24 hours. Smashwords will be tackled same day. If I can get it uploaded on a Wednesday, then the book should be ready on Apple, Barnes & Noble, etc fairly quickly.
I’m shooting for the end of the month, but i have quite a few people eagerly waiting (awesome feeling by the way!) so the sooner the better!! Thanks for reading! I’m so very glad you enjoyed them! Thanks for looking me up!
So the answer to your question is as soon as possible. 🙂
Just finished the second one and am eagerly awaiting the third one on my Kindle.
How long are steps 6-11 likely to take?
I really like finish a series before moving onto a different series and am getting a little impatient as I don’t have a book at the moment… 😀
Hi Sautin – No worries! Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Sony, Diesel, Blio… I’ve got ’em all covered!!
If you’re wondering about that Amazon’s infernal KDP Select program, I’m steadfastedly against. I’ll be releasing to every platform that I can. 🙂
Amazon and Smashwords, I really hope you submit to B&N as well. I only read ebooks on my nook, and I would hope that your book this book makes it there.