Book III Updates!
Feb. 23rd, 2012 – Chapter 4 is done, I’m already off on chap 5! Time for a dragon battle!!!
Jan. 31st, 2012 – Finally got off my butt and finished the chapter. Chap #4 progressing nicely!
Oct. 18th, 2011 – Finished Chapter 2!! The storyline is progressing nicely! I’ve started work on chapter 3! Time to return to Lentari!
Sept. 25th, 2011 – Chapter 1 is done and I already have a good chunk of chapter 2 written. In this chapter, we’re introduced to Sarah’s good friend, Lia. This new character is based on a real life friend of mine, one who I told her she’d wind up in a book. 🙂
Sept. 10th, 2011 – I confided in my wife what was going to take place with the third book, which plot lines I’m going to include, and asked her to help me come up with a title for the final installment of the series.
Bakkian Chronicles, Book III – Amulet of Aria