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Sep 10, 2011 - General    15 Comments

Book III Updates!

Feb. 23rd, 2012 – Chapter 4 is done, I’m already off on chap 5! Time for a dragon battle!!!

Jan. 31st, 2012 – Finally got off my butt and finished the chapter. Chap #4 progressing nicely!

Oct. 18th, 2011 – Finished Chapter 2!! The storyline is progressing nicely! I’ve started work on chapter 3! Time to return to Lentari!

Sept. 25th, 2011 – Chapter 1 is done and I already have a good chunk of chapter 2 written. In this chapter, we’re introduced to Sarah’s good friend, Lia. This new character is based on a real life friend of mine, one who I told her she’d wind up in a book. 🙂

Sept. 10th, 2011 – I confided in my wife what was going to take place with the third book, which plot lines I’m going to include, and asked her to help me come up with a title for the final installment of the series.

Bakkian Chronicles, Book III – Amulet of Aria

Jun 26, 2011 - General    6 Comments

Concept drawings!

I created this post to show concept drawings as I get ’em. The illustrator that was going to do the cover for book 2 flaked out on me, but not before he gave me a concept drawing of a guur.

I found a second artist, FalyneVarger, who’s agreed to take on the job and make the cover for me.  Can’t wait to see it!   I’ll post a rough sketch as soon as I’m able to.

Guur Drone

Here’s a rough sketch of book 2’s cover!  Rachel, aka FalyneVarger, is doing an awesome job so far!

Cover image for book II - rough sketch

A meeting of two worlds!


Book II's Completed Cover!

Book I's New Cover!!



May 27, 2011 - General    29 Comments

Bakkian Chronicles, Book II – Insurrection

Imagine someone holding up an arm, with the thumb and forefinger of their hand maybe an inch apart. Now, here’s me saying, “I’m thiiiiiis close to finishing”. 🙂 Book II is approaching the finish line. So very exciting.

I’m working on lining up some editors. I have my Beta Readers standing by (yeah Scott, that includes you!), and my illustrator in Indonesia making my cover. I’ll need to go through the book to check for errors, and then let my wife read it (she’s a very fast reader) and then I’ll notifiy the Beta Readers to stand by.

To my Beta Readers, I’m looking for typos, grammar problems, continuity problems, punctuation issues, etc. If something doesn’t make sense, or I left any questions unanswered or unaddressed, be sure to let me know!

As soon as I get some preliminary sketches for book II’s cover, I’ll post it here. Ok, off to get some work done! Everyone have a great Memorial Day Weekend! Stay off the roads as much as possible! 🙂

Mar 2, 2011 - General    21 Comments

What I’m reading/read/will read, etc.

Being an indie author, I know full well how difficult it is to get someone to read (& review) your work. I found two really nice people that are willing to give my book a shot, so I figured I’d pay the favor forward.

If you have a nice, friendly light-hearted fantasy type story (sci-fi is good, too!), then let me know. I don’t really care for vampires, or dark fantasy. Something with a happy ending. Let me know and I’ll take a look.

I’m currently reading:

Scourge of Screbulum (Brandeis of Aura) by Kenneth Camel
In Wilder Lands (The Fall of Eldvar) by Jim Galford
Deadly Games (Emperor’s Edge #3) by Lindsay Buroker

My TBR list:

Book #3 in the Demon Gates saga… by Robert Day
Jaben’s Rift, #2 by G. David Walker
Wolfsong #2 by J.H. Sked
Door to Canellin #2 by E.H. Jones


Thus far, I’ve read/reviewed:

Scourge of an Agnostic God– Michael Juge
Body Trapped – Shirley Elmokaden
Guild of the Blue Dragon – Christopher Fulbright
Zero Sight by B. Justin Shier
Zachary Pill, The Dragon at Station End by Tim Greaton
Liberator’s Ruin by P.J. Johns
Wolverine’s Daughter by Doranna Durgin
Dark Currents by Lindsay Buroker
Flash Gold by Lindsay Buroker
Emperor’s Edge by Lindsay Buroker
Legacy (The Resonance Tetralogy) by Hugo Jackson
On Dark Shores by JA Clement
Escape 2 Earth 2012 by Lawrence Johnson, sr.
Strange Loops by Deborah Prestwood
Basement Blues by J.H.Sked
Through the Flames (Sword of Kirakath) by Ryne Billings
Nik’s Knacks by Kathryn Nicol
The Knowledge of Time – Second Civilisation by Tim Ellis
Hemlock and the Wizard Tower by B Throwsnaill
Wolfsong – by J.H. Sked
Door to Canellin – by E.H. Jones
Ashar’an Rising (Nexus Wars Saga) – by Robert Day
Demon Gates (Nexus Wars Saga) by Robert Day
The Treasures of Carmelidrium, by N.R. Williams
An Oak of Hope by Kenneth Camel
Children of the Elementi, by Ceri Clark
From A Far Land (Jaben’s Rift), by G. David Walker