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Feb 24, 2013 - General, News    Comments Off on Check this out!!

Check this out!!

My wife discovered this while perusing Apple’s iBookstore.  The Prophecy has been selected by Apple to be included with their “Breakout Books” section!  If you look under Sci-Fi/Fantasy section then you’ll see the book listed in the first five to six in that section!  I was very stoked!

Apple's Promo!!

Apple’s Promo!!

It’s a crazy feeling to see your own book displayed like this!  In the company of so many good books, too!  This is proof positive that if you’re an indie author like me, go straight to and create yourself an account.  If it wasn’t for them then I’d never have been given this opportunity!  Everyone have a great week!  Don’t forget to stay tuned…  An exclusive excerpt from The Lost City is coming soon!!

Feb 11, 2013 - General, Giveaways, News    Comments Off on New GoodReads Giveaway!

New GoodReads Giveaway!

I just created a new giveaway for a signed paperback copy of Insurrection, second book of the Bakkian Chronicles trilogy.  This is the story that will see a member of Lentari’s royal family kidnapped, the daring rescue, battles with trolls, encounters with griffins, and a dragon and corgi becoming friends (the scene from the cover).

This contest is open to residents of the USA, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Germany, and Australia!  All you need to do to enter is have an account with GoodReads.  It’s easy and free!  Good luck to all who enter!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Insurrection by Jeffrey M. Poole


by Jeffrey M. Poole

Giveaway ends March 31, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win


Feb 4, 2013 - General, News, Tech Help, Updates    Comments Off on A quick word…

A quick word…

To those of you that might be wondering why there’s a Protected page here (see the last post), I wanted to give an explanation in case anyone thought I was acting like a snob.  🙂

Another author from the book club that I co-moderate, Indie Book Club from Goodreads, asked for some help on his book that I’m presently reading.  The problem was, he didn’t want what was being discussed out in the public in case it gave away any details of his book.  We tried to create a private thread in Goodreads, but apparently GR doesn’t have that capability.  I know WordPress does, which is what this site runs on, so I volunteered to move the conversation here.  And it’s password protected.

For those of you who don’t know, like the character Steve in the Bakkian Chronicles, I am a Microsoft Certified computer tech.  I go around to residences and businesses and fix whatever is ailing their computers.  So tech problems, formatting problems, software problems, you name it I’ve seen it.  I’ll even go so far as to make this offer to any fans of the series…  got a computer problem?  Ask away!  I’ll be more than happy to see if I can point you in the right direction!

Hope everyone is having a great week!  Back to work on The Lost City!


Jan 23, 2013 - General, News, Updates    Comments Off on It’s hard to write on days like this…

It’s hard to write on days like this…

It’s Wednesday.  It’s my duly-designated day to write.  I don’t see clients today.  I typically won’t run errands today.  Just write.  Seeing how I’m now relying on the royalties I receive as a way to pay the bills, I figured it was the least I could do so that I can continue to release stories in a timely manner.

What’s holding me up today, you might ask?  Writer’s block?  Nope.  Sick dog?  Nope, although it’s happened before.   Ate too much?  Aha!  Therein lies the problem.  Damn Chinese food.  That all-you-can eat restaurant certainly didn’t make their money on me today.  It was the first time my mother and I visited that restaurant, so clearly I had to try a little of everything, right?  Well, I’m paying for it now.  I want to curl up into a ball and take a nap.  However, my wife is working and I believe in equality.  She works, I work.  Since I won’t take clients today, that means I write.

I know what you’re thinking.  Suck it up, take your punishment, and get back to work!  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Easier said than done.  It’s gorgeous outside!  70 degrees!  I’d much rather be insde.  I can’t wait for it to get dark again and I can play with my telescope.

Now wait.  Before you jump to the wrong conclusions, and I have to tell you to pick your mind up out of the gutter, I want to say that I meant that literally.  I have an 8″ Schmidt-Cassegrain Meade telescope that I can control wirelessly from my iPad.  It’s awesome!  I have an astronomy app that shows me what the sky looks like from my location (I input my lattitude/longitude), and my wife bought me the wifi adapter that plugs into my telescope, and then my iPad connects to it wirelessly.  It’s a lot of fun.

But, it’s a toy.  I have work to do.  I am really enjoying how this story is developing.  My wife is pointing out flaws in previous chapters (which I’ve corrected), so hopefully when I get ready to give the story to the editor it won’t come back to me resembling swiss cheese.  I guess what I mean to say is, I really love writing.  I might not be the best at it, but I sure as hell will strive to be better.  That’s why I tell everyone who reads my stories that if you find something that is wrong, or else you didn’t like something (concept or execution), let me know and I’ll see what I can do!  The fans are what makes this possible and I enjoy interacting with you guys!

Kendall, just wanted to say that not only is Athos armed with a crossbow, he is also armed with a dragon-shaped collapsible boomerang he keeps strapped to his left forearm!


Jan 9, 2013 - General, News, Updates    6 Comments

Thinking about releasing an omnibus…

I posted this question on my Facebook page, but I also thought I should post this here.

I have a question. Since I have released all three books in the Bakkian Chronicles, I’m thinking about releasing an omnibus, namely all three books as one ebook.

I was also thinking about including the short story I wrote, Bakkian Chronicles – the Disneyland Debacle, with it. It’s a story I wrote for an anthology to benefit Lyndsey Roughton, a young woman dying of cancer.

What do you think? Should I or shouldn’t I? And if I do, what price should I charge?

I’ll also mention that The Lost City is progressing nicely! I’ve since restructured my week to allow for nothing but writing on Wednesdays and Fridays. You know what? It’s working! I’m really enjoying how this story is playing out! I’ve used quite a few of the name suggestions and I’m nowhere close to being done. Thanks again for all the help!

I’ll keep everyone posted with progress updates. Got questions? Suggestions? Or find a typo? Please let me know!

Oct 31, 2012 - General, News    2 Comments

Barnes & Noble starts selling to UK customers!

This can only be considered a good thing. Think of how many people live over there that love to read! It’s very exciting news, especially if you’re an Indie author, which I am. I know quite a few fans will be happy to hear about this!

So for those of you that would like to purchase my books in the UK, from Barnes and Noble, you can find them here! The latest book, Amulet of Aria, hasn’t shown up there yet, but it will soon. For now, feel free to download my first book, The Prophecy, free! It’s on me!

Whoops, should have started with this. Happy Halloween! I hope everyone stays safe!