Jun 19, 2013 - Contest, General, Giveaways, News, Updates    12 Comments

Print edition giveaway!

All fans (new & old!) of the Bakkian Chronicles and the magical kingdom of Lentari are invited to enter for a chance to win an autographed copy of Insurrection (Bakkian Chronicles #2) in paperback!

To enter this contest all you have to do is leave a message on this post and tell me which character you think most resembles your personality!   Are you human?  Dragon?  Griffin?  Wizard?  Soldier?  Even if your personality matches that of Rinbok Intherer, dragon lord, let me know!

If you’re one of the three winners for the previous contest, don’t forget to send me your addy and I’ll get your prize shipped off to you!


  • I love the griffins but I would probably be Pryllan. Big, always looking out for her friends and not always following the rules!

  • I most resemble the queen. 🙂

  • Yes! Sign me up for your drawing!!! yay!

  • human lia. I was studying to be a doctor before I became sick with epilepsy(under control now). I was able to be an emt and ride the the vol. fire dept. for 5 yrs. though before moving on.

  • Me and my wife think We are a close match for Steve and Sarah although my wife would rather have the fire elemental jhorun.

  • I am positive that I am like Sarah Miller. Like her I love my husband Mark with all my heart. I would abandon my common sense like Sarah and follow my hubby anywhere. Even into a portal!

  • i do beleive i am just like pryllan i am friendly but have been known to growl when angry

  • I think I am Bonnie, Steve’s mom. Not believing anything until it is proven to me! I would love to say my personality is closer to a dragon but nope, I’m just a boring human!

  • Definitely a dragon. I love seeing things from a different angle and having the wisdom of the ages to offer advice from.

    There’s something of the griffin, too, though. Loyal, yet peckish at times.

  • I’d have to say I think I’m closest to Peanut….Loyal, Fun Loving, and Fascinated with dragons. 😉

  • I will probably be a new type of griffin, all black and sneaky in the shadows! All your characters are so unique and there really isn’t one that my personality really comes close to the awesome-ness of your characters. I’ll be a new character, always in the shadows keeping an eye on those who are in need. And all they see is shadow and smoke, and poof I’m gone to save another.

  • I am a dragon. Not sure which one, maybe a completely different lime green & pink one! 😀