I Love Wednesdays!
Ye olde notebook is open, displaying thoughts on all aspects of Lentari… Beads of condensation are seen dripping down a frosty can of Pepsi Max… A glass jar containing on a few colorful gumballs is sitting on apreviously printed chapter…
The cell phone is off and the corgi is asleep in her chair. I do believe we’re ready!! It’s off to Lentari for a solid day of writing! As I did last year in preparation of Amulet of Aria’s release, every Wednesday I’ll give away 5 ebooks of one of my titles.
Up for grabs this week are five (5) copies of Insurrection (Bakkian Chronicles #2). Since Prophecy (Bakkian Chronicles #1) is always free of charge, that’s two books you’d be able to read for free! So hop over to the blog and leave a comment to let me know you were there and if you provide me an email addy, I’ll email you the coupon (and the link) for a complimentary copy of Insurrection!
Good luck & happy reading!
Hi, Elizabeth –
Right. When I offer these specials, and I mention the blog, this is the one, so you’re in the right place!
Stay tuned! I’m thinking about offering another special like this one!
which blog are you referring to for the giveaway and has it been done yet.
I have enjoyed the story of the first book and need to follow up on the second.
Hi, Elizabeth! Thanks for stopping by to say hello and to volunteer to be a Beta Reader! While I can’t guarantee you’ll be chosen, what I will do is make sure your name ends up on the list so that your name ends up in the hat to be selected.
I’m letting Keeley (Peanut from the books) do the selecting. That’s if I can get her to nose out a few names! 🙂
love the books. interested in being a beta reader. have all your books on kindle.
Hey there, Anthony! I’m so very glad to hear that you enjoyed the stories! And I appreciate the offer of being a Beta Reader! Wow! Each year the list of volunteers grows! That makes my day!
Have you read the excerpts from Lost City (Tales of Lentari #1)? I have them posted on the Excerpts page. There are three separate sneak peeks from various locations in the book. Let’s just say I’ve really enjoyed writing this story!
Hi Danie – I’ve got several other storylines already lined up after I wrap Lost City. The next story, Tales of Lentari #2), features non-human protagonists… 🙂 I look forward to working on it!
Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate it!
Just a hello and to say I have read and greatly enjoyed all 3 of your books. Great story line and can’t wait for the new installment. If you need a Beta reader, I am available.
I just had to drop a line – or three – and say I am in love with your books and the world you’ve created! I am just wrapping up Amulet of Aria so I am excited to learn that there will be another book! I hope you keep this series going for as long as possible! 🙂
Hi Raymond!
Thanks for stopping by to say hello! Keep checking back. The finish line for Lost City is approaching quickly!!
I was here! I already own both your books but I thought I’d say hi anyways. Good writing.