Movie Trivia!

Strap on thy thinking caps, fellow movie buffs.  Ye are about to show the entire world just how much useless movie knowledge ye have crammed away in thy brain!  What be the prize for answering my fiendishly clever trivia questions?  I will tell thee!   Up for grabs is another signed print copy of A Portal for Your Thoughts (Tales of Lentari #3) as soon as it is officially released.  How soon is that?  We be gettin’ closer, matey!

Wow.  Don’t know where that came from.  Sorry.  Anyway, depending how many people play, if there’s only one person who can answer all three questions correctly then congrats!  You’ll be the winner!  If more that one person plays AND gets all the answers right (no Googling!!!) then I’ll compile a list of the winners and have everyone’s favorite corgi select who will be the proud owner of my latest novel.  Sound fair?  Are you ready to play?  Here we go!

Movie trivia time – comedy edition:

#1:  According to Up Periscope, what tattoo does Cmdr. Dodge have on a certain portion of his anatomy?

#2:  What is the name of the property Fletch inherits from his dead aunt in Fletch Lives?

#3:  What is the name of Striker’s friend who was killed in the war that he feels personally responsible for in the slapstick comedy Airplane!?

Remember, try to avoid looking at other answers (here’s hoping a lot of people play!) and no Googling!  Good luck and have fun!  Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter!  Another issue is going out today and I’m previewing the title graphics for APfYT!



  • Welcome aboard on his manhood, a mansion “Belle Isle”,and George Zipp. I like this game!

  • Andrew – yeah, this is based on the first, not the 2nd. Ignore anything that you might have heard in the sequel!

  • 1) welcome aboard
    2) howie (although im basing that on the courtroom scene in part 2)
    3) belle isle (i think ive havent seen the movie in a while)