Happy Halloween!
Yeah, I know. Day of the Dead actually isn’t observed on Halloween, but from November 1st through the 2nd. Originally, I didn’t know too much about this holiday, but since I was asked to write a short story – set in PV – which was set on the Day of the Dead, I figured I’d better do some research.
The story, The Case of the Secret Staircase, was a lot of fun to write, plus it allowed Zack to show off his comedic side as he is now forced to confront whoever or whatever is responsible for stealing various things from around Highland House.

Currently only availbe in the Holiday Mysteries anthology, it is now available at virtually all online retailers. Grab your discounted copy today!
NaNoWriMo is set to begin tomorrow. I’ve entered every time since I learned of it, in 2015, and have only missed it twice. Last year was one of the misses. Then again, I was derailed by the sudden passing of my father, and I don’t know about the rest of you writers, but for me, I need to be in a good mood in order to maintain my light-hearted, fun-filled cozy mysteries. I was not in any position to write last November. This time? I’m ready. If you’re also going to participate, then don’t hesitate to look me up. We can be writing buddies!
Ok, I’ve got lots to do, so I’ll be off. Stay safe out there and happy reading!

Holiday Anthology!
Just in time for the holidays! Myself, and four other talented authors, including USA Today bestselling author Connie Shelton, have written short stories featuring the characters from our ongoing series. With holidays ranging from Halloween to New Years, come with us to see what your favorite characters are up to, and perhaps you’ll meet some new ones!
If you’d like to know a little about my contribution, I’ll throw a few tidbits your way. Here’s the small blurb about my story, taken from Amazon:
The Case of the Secret Staircase from J.M. Poole, the bestselling author of The Corgi Case Files. A family celebration for Dia de los Muertos gets interrupted by a series of thefts, small items intended to honor the ancestors. Does it have something to do with Highland House, the venue that’s suspected of harboring a few of its own ghosts? At once, the smart and lovable corgis are on the case. Sherlock and Watson, along with their human helpers, Zack and Jillian Anderson, will unravel the mystery, clue by clue.
Available only in this special collection, Secret Staircase Holiday Mysteries will be available 10/17 with a price of $4.99, but if you pre-order now, you’ll be able to lock in the special rate of $0.99! You won’t want to miss this, so reserve your copy today!

CCF16 Paperback Giveaway

The following people have entered the contest, and the numbers have been assigned. Here we are so far:
- Justin M.
- Christy L.
- Maureen B.
- Claire W.
- Yuliya M.
- Louise C.
- Julie W.
- Julie G. – winner!
- Becky E.
Contest closes at around 1pm PST. At that time, I’ll enter the numbers into a random selector, and whomever it chooses is the winner! I’ll then update this post with the winner’s name and ask that you send me a PM so I can get your book off to you! Good luck to all who enter!

Alaskan Cruise
We meant to go on this cruise to celebrate my 50th, and that was in 2020, only this little thing called Covid happened. Cruise ships were grounded, so we pushed it forward a year. Well, the ships were moving by then, but you had to wear a mask EVERYWHERE. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all about keeping safe. We were prepared to wear the masks inside the ship, just not outside. No, they wanted you to wear masks regardless of where you were. Well, to us, that took the fun out of it, so we pushed it forward yet another year. Finally, we were able to go, and man alive, was it ever worth it. The nice thing about it is that I really needed to do some research in Alaska, ’cause that’s where my next CCF title was going to take place. Case of the Unlucky Emperor, referring to penguins, of course.
Now, before I start receiving the emails, I’ll point out that I already know about the simple fact of the absence of all penguins in the arctic. The events of CCF17 actually occur inside an institution, one trying to become accredited and licensed. That’s when their bad luck happens, and they need help.

If you guys have never been to Alaska, or haven’t seen the glaciers, it’s well worth it. Wildlife galore, wide, open spaces, and the rugged beauty of my country’s biggest state.
I’m back to work on Blast From the Past. I should be done fairly soon, and will give it to my Posse members once I’m done, only … and I hate to bring this up, ’cause I know this will get me some hate mail … I’m going to hold off publishing. The reasoning? Starting at the beginning of next year, all of my fantasies are being turned over to Columbine, which is the same publisher as my mysteries. They expressed interest, and who am I to turn them down? Therefore, if I would want to publish ToL10, then I’d have to do so in the next several months, only to pull it back down and lose all the sales ranking I could get. This way, the series will be released one after the other and will (hopefully!) generate more interest. Therefore, the estimated publish date will be sometime around summer, ’23. Please don’t hate me. 🙂
The end of summer is rapidly approaching, and for the first time ever, I can actually utter the words summer hasn’t been too bad. Yes, I know it’s been bad for a lot of people, and I don’t want to make light of a serious situation, but for us? Yes, it’s been warm, but it’s nothing compared to a typical summer in Arizona. Do I miss them? Hell no. Do I enjoy the much cooler nights? Abso-friggin’-lutely.
Stay tuned! My paperback giveaway will end at the end of the week. If you haven’t entered yet, please leave a comment below and then submit a picture of either a paperback copy of any of my books, or else a picture of one of my book covers on your reading device. Kindle, Nook, phone, tablet, computer, it doesn’t matter. Only those comments with attached pictures will officially become entries.
Good luck! Stay safe out there and happy reading!

Pre-Order CCF#16!

Look what just popped up for pre-order? Case of the Rusty Sword (CCF#16) can now be reserved at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and several other retailers. Want to know why Zack’s old house was hiding a hidden compartment? Have you been wondering why a construction crew discoverd a US cavalry saber inside? Sherlock and Watson are on the case! Reserve your copy today! Available August 11th!!
I’ve officially returned to Lentari for a spell. Steve and Sarah have awoken on their world and discovered the Lentari they know and love has … changed. Portal keys are missing, friends are gone, and a strange king and queen are sitting on the thrones. Also, magic has been forbidden!
When a foe from the past threatens their future, husband and wife must find a way to return to the past and set things straight. Together, Steve, Sarah, and their griffin companion Emerion, must travel to a hostile past, where they will encounter feuding dwarves, attacking griffins, and deceitful dragons. Determined to restore the timeline and preserve their future, Steve and Sarah must face one of their most dangerous adversaries a second time, and this time, he knows their coming. 🙂
Blast from the Past (Tales of Lentari #10) is due to have a release date this fall. I’ll be showing a preview of the cover once I start getting updates. Stay tuned!

Protected: Posse Members! Time for CCF16!

Want a Free Audiobook?
To celebrate the release of my latest audiobook, Harness the Fire (Dragons of Andela #1), Audible has given me some promo codes to give away, but only in exchange for a (hopefully good) review. So, I’ve got a few codes here. Would anyone like a copy? It’s first come, first served! Leave a comment below, with your email addy, if you’re interested.
Thx in advance and I hope you like it! The Audible link for the book can be found here. If there’s a different audiobook you’d like, and you’re willing to leave a glowing review :), just ask! I might be able to track down a promo code for it, too!

Protected: Strike the Spark betas, saddle up!
Case of the Stuttering Parrot
The next adventure in my Corgi Case Files cozy mystery series has been released! As always, you can find the book at any number of online retailers, which can be found here.
Zack and Jillian are back in Pomme Valley after their wedding and honeymoon, and life is filled with exciting plans, such as enlarging the winery and building their new dream home. Zack’s consulting cases for the police have been few, and the couple’s two corgis are getting along well with their new housemate, Ruby the African grey parrot. But suddenly Ruby is quoting Shakespeare and coming up with random sayings she couldn’t possibly have overheard. And what does any of this have to do with a bank robbery and the death of a security guard in a town a hundred miles away?
But when the corgis, Sherlock and Watson, begin to take notice of oddball things, Zack knows he needs to pay heed. In their usual fashion, the super-smart little dogs will gather the clues so Zack and his cop buddy Vance can put it all together.
Pick up your copy today at your favorite online retailer, like Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, or Kobo!