Movie Trivia Time!
Ok all you fans of Lentari! I’m looking to create a new contest for some signed copies of my books and thought this would be the perfect way to do it. Now, seeing how I fancy myself a connoisseur of virtually all types of movies, you can see where I came up with the idea of a movie trivia contest!
Now, to be fair, I will admit that I haven’t watched many horror movies as I haven’t found that many that I really like. I think Aliens is my favorite, and not just because I became friends with one of the actors. So I think I need to see if you guys have just as much useless movie trivia in your head as I do mine. Therefore this one will be a trial run!
The rules:
- No using Google if you don’t know the answer.
- Try to avoid looking at what everyone else has answered.
- If you know the answer and it’s clear that others don’t, no gloating!
- Be respectful.
- No spamming allowed. Spammers will be deleted and their IPs will be added to my Troll list (it effectively blocks you from accessing all aspects of the blog)
So what movies am I going to draw from? Well, here in my office/man cave, I have several bookshelves FULL of movies and anything is fair game. Chances are it’ll be fantasy/sci-fi related but anything sitting on one of those shelves could be used! Mwahahaha! Let’s see how you do with these. We’ll start with an easy one then each question gets a little harder!
Question #1: What’s the name of the creatures in Tremors?
Question #2: What type of ship did Boss Nass give the jedi when they left the Gungan city in SW: Phantom Menace?
Question #3: Which Star Trek movie did Christian Slater have a cameo in?
Good luck! Again, this is a trial run so I can get a feel for how good you guys are!