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Jun 19, 2013 - Contest, General, Giveaways, News, Updates    12 Comments

Print edition giveaway!

All fans (new & old!) of the Bakkian Chronicles and the magical kingdom of Lentari are invited to enter for a chance to win an autographed copy of Insurrection (Bakkian Chronicles #2) in paperback!

To enter this contest all you have to do is leave a message on this post and tell me which character you think most resembles your personality!   Are you human?  Dragon?  Griffin?  Wizard?  Soldier?  Even if your personality matches that of Rinbok Intherer, dragon lord, let me know!

If you’re one of the three winners for the previous contest, don’t forget to send me your addy and I’ll get your prize shipped off to you!

Jun 5, 2013 - Contest, General, Giveaways, News, Suggestions, Updates    Comments Off on Contest Winners!

Contest Winners!

Sarah and Lia have spoken!  They have selected the three winners from last month’s photo contest!  Congrats to the winners!  If you won a prize, please drop me an email with your address and I’ll get your prize shipped off to you!  Use jmpoole (at) gmail dot com.

Thanks for playing, everyone!  Oh, and while I’m thinking about it, I’m hereby taking suggestions for the next contest!  Got an idea?  Let me know!

1st Place!

1st Place Winner, Nicki!

2nd place!

2nd Place Winner, Bob!

3rd Place!

3rd Place Winner, Toni!



























Jun 1, 2013 - Contest, General, News    2 Comments

Meet Bobwyrm!

Bobwyrm is the name of the dragon in the following pic, created by fan Bob Terry.  This photo is his submission for the Fan Photo Submission contest that recently just finished.

My wife and her friend will be reviewing all the pics this week and will select the winners shortly!

Bobwyrm the dragon

Bobwyrm the dragon












May 25, 2013 - General, News, Updates    Comments Off on Memorial Day Weekend!

Memorial Day Weekend!

Hello, everyone!  It’s already the start of summer.  Wow.  This year is totally flying.  To quote my wife from just a few days ago, whomever is in control of the time needs to get their finger off the fast-forward button.

My snowbird clients are roosting in other states while the rest of us bake our brains out.  Its due to get over 100 today, and it ain’t gonna cool off anytime soon.  Yep, our “winter” has arrived.  It’s the time of year in which the locals here just don’t venture outside.  To all of those visitors that flock to our fair city towing HUGE boats with tricked out trucks, bless you.  You bring all kinds of $$$ into the city.  Not that I typically see anything from it.  Not many thrill seekers bring their computers with them, so the only enjoyment I get out of it is reading about their shenanigans in the paper.  Oh, yes!  You do something stupid and get arrested here in Havasu your name will show up in the paper.  Plus, it makes for some entertaining calls over the police scanner.

Wow, do I need to find more hobbies…

But I digress.  Lentari is calling, and I’m already past the original deadline I gave myself to get this book done.  So it’s time to buckle down!!!  Everyone ready to read about Lentari’s fabled Lost City?  I’m bustin’ tail right now to get it finished!

May 17, 2013 - General, News, Updates    Comments Off on The 2nd Excerpt is Here!

The 2nd Excerpt is Here!

Hi, everyone!  I just posted the 2nd excerpt from The Lost City on the Excerpts page.

The first excerpt has maroon text while the 2nd has green text.  Makes it easier to find when you’re scrolling down.  Hope you like it!

May 8, 2013 - General, News, Suggestions    4 Comments

Looking for an Illustrator!

I want to include some illustrations in The Lost City, so I’m now officially looking for an artist.  Since I can’t openly describe what I’m looking for without giving away major plot points, a Protected Post has been created, which is what you see below.

That’ll be the thread I use when discussing aspects of the illustrations.  Are you interested?  Send me a link with some examples of your work and I’ll go take a look!

By the way, I have another copy of The Prophecy up on a GoodReads giveaway!  Enter now to try and win a signed copy of my first book!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Prophecy by Jeffrey M. Poole

The Prophecy

by Jeffrey M. Poole

Giveaway ends May 31, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win



Apr 24, 2013 - Contest, General, Giveaways, News    1 Comment

Contest Prizes Announced!

I just finished updating the Lentari Gift Shoppe (and thanks to my poor taste in women’s t-shirts, I’ll be updating it again tomorrow).  I’ve removed a few things and was able to add a slew of new products.  I’ve gone through them and have selected the prizes for the winners!  I haven’t got a pic of 3rd place prize yet.  But here’s what 1st and 2nd place winners will win!

1st place:  Bakkian Chronicles cap

2nd place:  Prophecy journal

3rd place:  Set of three refrigerator magnets, one for each book cover.

Have you entered the contest yet?  Whip out those cell phones and snap a picture of your Ereader with one of the Bakkian Chronicles book covers on it and snap a pic with it at a landmark, or tourist spot, or any setting where you think would make a great picture!  Post on Facebook or else email it to me and Sarah & Lia will select the top three winners!  The contest runs through May, so get your entries in now!

Good luck!

1st Place Prize

1st Place Prize

2nd Place Prize

2nd Place Prize







Apr 10, 2013 - General    Comments Off on Bakkian Chronicles – Disneyland Debacle is now available!

Bakkian Chronicles – Disneyland Debacle is now available!

Hello everyone!

The short story that I wrote last year to contribute to the Lyndsey Roughton anthology is finally available as an individual download.   When I say short story, I do mean short.  I was asked to keep it between 3,000 to 5,000 words.  I barely squeaked in at just over 5,000.  At any rate, it’s a fun way to see how Steve and the gang would deal with trying to have fun at the Happiest Place on Earth!

The story was actually inspired by true events.  Without giving too much away, the parts about duping a certain someone to go on a certain ride was true.  My ex brother-in-law and myself were the conspirators, while the victim was my wife.  Let’s just say that we had quite a few people laughing as she realized she’d been had.

I know Smashwords will eventually distribute the story to all the major retailers, but in case you didn’t want to wait and happen to have an account with Smashwords, I’ll give you the following link:

I hope everyone enjoys the story!  Now as for me, I’m pulling the green portal key out of the safe and am  stepping through to Lentari.  I have a story to finish!  Everyone have a great day!
