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Movie Trivia Time!

Happy Holidays!

What better way to celebrate the upcoming holidays than by having a trivia contest!  AND, why not make the questions about the Star Wars universe since the new movie comes out on Friday!  So, let’s see how much useless Star Wars trivia is crammed away inside your head.  Hopefully it’s just as much as mine.

Now, the rules:

  • NO Googling.  What fun is that?  Try and see if you can answer without looking it up.
  • No looking at other answers.  This is a test of YOUR trivia, not others!
  • No changing your answer.  Any comment that has the word “Edited” next to it will be disqualified.
  • Only one answer per person.  Choose your answers wisely, Padawan.

If there’s only one person who answers correctly then choosing the winner will be easy.  If there are multiple people who answer correctly then the winners will go into a hat and I’ll let Keeley the corgi choose.  What will you win?  A signed print copy of the latest Tales of Lentari book, Wizard in the Woods AND an automatic position as a Beta Reader for the 6th Tales of Lentari book as soon as I’m ready.  I also have a Goodreads Giveaway ending very soon, so I’ll ship both books out at the same time, which will be this coming Friday (the 18th).  Good luck!

Star Wars trivia questions

They’ll start out easy and get progressively harder.

1. What’s the name of the creature Jabba the Hutt kept as a pet but was killed by Luke Skywalker during Han’s rescue in episode VI?

2. After Darth Maul’s demise in episode I, who did Darth Sidious take as an apprentice? What was his Sith name?

3. Where were the Pit of Sarlaac desert scenes filmed in real life?

4. How many actors have portrayed Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader? Name them.

Nov 28, 2015 - General, Indie Authors, News, Updates    10 Comments

One busy freakin’ month…

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything.  My bad.  I can’t even begin to tell you how busy I’ve been.

I know.  Excuses, excuses.  However, many of my computer tech clients have returned for warmer climes so I’ve been forced to wear my tech hat longer than I normally would.  So, let’s recap.

  1. Swamped with tech calls
  2. NaNoWriMo month.  I refuse to quit.  🙂
  3. Continuing with PoR (Tales of Lentari #6)
  4. Convincing my father to trade in his flip phone for iPhone 6, setting up the phone remotely, and then training said family member on said phone.

I will also formally announce that I’m actively seeking Beta Readers.  But, before you get excited, this isn’t for PoR (ToL6).  I’ll make a separate announcement for that.  I’m actually referring to my NaNoWriMo project with will be finished shortly.  Corgi Case Files – Case of the One-Eyed Tiger.  My first ever attempt at a mystery novel.  I can only hope you guys enjoy it.

So, with that being said, if any of you would be interested in giving me a hand, please leave a comment below.  Remember, I’m looking for people with stronger English skills than me.  Spotting typos, grammatical issues, continuity problems, and so on.  Think you’d like to give it a try?  Let me know!

Thanks, guys!  I hope everyone is having a great holiday season so far!


Oct 6, 2015 - General, News, Suggestions, Updates    1 Comment

Any wine connoisseurs out there?

This request goes out to all wine lovers out there.  A book I’m presently working on features a character living in a small community where there are several local wineries.  What are your favorite wines?  Are they from local wineries or are they from a well known brand?  I was looking for some ideas for some local wines for the town.

Let me know your thoughts!  I’m dropping the security down so that anyone can post.  Thanks in advance!


Looking for that next great book!

Are you an aspiring author?  Have you already published a book or two and are looking for more reviews?  If your title has 10 reviews or less, is either sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, or thriller, and doesn’t feature vampires or zombies, feel free to drop me a line.  I’m always looking for that new great read.

Instead of telling you what books I like I’ll instead tell you which I don’t care for.  I’m not a fan of horror.  Or erotica.  I don’t like zombies or vampires, but I will say that I’ve read several stories that had a little of each as supporting characters and I was okay with it.  The worst that could happen is that I’d just tell you that I wasn’t interested.  Otherwise if you’re looking for reviews, leave a comment with your book’s blurb and I’ll go take a look.

Happy reading!


ps.  ToL6 is coming along nicely, as is my very first mystery novel!  🙂

Sep 18, 2015 - General, Indie Authors, News, Updates    4 Comments

Would you check out other genres from the same author?

Hypothetical question for you readers.  I know of several authors that have done this and am wondering what percentage would actually give it a try.  Let’s say you have a romance author who’s released a number of books.  The author has built up a sizable fan base as a result.  Now comes the announcement that the romance author is going to release another book, only this one isn’t romance, but science fiction, or any other genre that is nowhere close to what romance is.  Now, here’s my question.  If you’re already a fan of this particular author, would you be willing to try the new book written in a different genre than what you’re already used to?

The reason I ask is that I have now fallen into this category.  I’m a fantasy author and am working on a new book, namely the 6th Tales of Lentari novel.  BUT, I’m also working on the first novel in an entirely new series in a new genre:  mystery.  What are the chances that you’d be willing to give the book a try?  As always, comments are always appreciated.  And don’t worry.  You won’t ever hurt my feelings by telling me the truth.  I value honest opinions more than anything.


Sep 10, 2015 - General, Indie Authors, News, Suggestions, Updates    Comments Off on Ye olde Scribes were on Strike…

Ye olde Scribes were on Strike…

It was brought to my attention that the “Welcome” email that is sent after someone subscribes to the Daily Scroll wasn’t working.  A quick check revealed the problem.  GoDaddy, which I was using as the Postman, so-to-speak, went on strike.  The Post Office (GoDaddy) decided it didn’t want to do any more unneeded work unless it was sending a message to someone in their own town.  So, long story short, Welcome emails weren’t being delivered.  I’m not sure how long that’s been going on.  I even tried a test delivery for the newsletter (which was working fine last time) and nothing came through.

So for any of you that didn’t get the link to the free short story, Hunt for Red Oskorlisk, please let me know and I’ll resend the Welcome email to you that has the link.

Sorry ’bout that.  Oh, I should also mention that there’s a major revamp in the works for the website.  Why?  Because twinkletoes here (yours truly) has created another series and this time, it isn’t fantasy.  I’ve listed as my official website for so long that I can’t necessarily say that any more.  It wouldn’t make sense for the new series to point to, so I’m researching ideas.

Oh, well.  I think it was time to find a new WordPress theme anyway.  Anyone know of any really cool themes?


Sep 2, 2015 - General, Updates    1 Comment

Increased security

I really hate having to do this, seeing how it adds a few steps if you’d like to leave a comment, but I really don’t have a choice.  I’m getting slammed by trolls.  People are trying to leave spam messages left and right.  As a result I get a notification that there are messages – junk messages – waiting to be approved.  I naturally delete any spam.

What it means is that if you’d like to leave a comment on the site then WordPress will force you to create a user for this site alone.  Again, I apologize about this.  Trust me, if I didn’t have to then I wouldn’t.  Hopefully after a few weeks the spam will die down and I can lift the restrictions.

I hope everyone is having a great week!  


Aug 14, 2015 - General, Indie Authors, News, Updates    4 Comments

WitW Cover Reveal!

Here it is, fellow citizens of Lentari.  Here’s the finalized, colorized, cover for Wizard in the Woods (Tales of Lentari #5).

Wizard in the Woods

Final Cover

The first colorized draft for the cover had it placed at night.  While it looked very nice, I didn’t want another dark cover.  I asked Rachel how hard it would be to make the time of day something earlier.  I asked for ‘dusk’.  Almost immediately I was sent this.  I immediately knew this was the version of the cover I wanted.

I’m getting reports back from my beta readers and have been implementing the changes as I get ’em.  So far they have spotted all the embarrassing mistakes that would have ended up making me look quite foolish, so for that, I’m eternally grateful.  You beta readers rock!!

For those of you not familiar with the characters in the scene, allow me to explain what you’re looking at.  Noticeable right off the bat is Peanut, the corgi.  I’m sure your first thought is that Peanut has grown in size.  All I’ll say here is that no, she hasn’t.  Of the four of them (Peanut, Mikal, Lissa, & Pravara), Peanut is the only one who has her proper size.  And yes, this is taken from an actual scene in the book.

I can’t wait to release it!  I hope everyone likes it!

