Movie Trivia Time!
Happy Holidays!
What better way to celebrate the upcoming holidays than by having a trivia contest! AND, why not make the questions about the Star Wars universe since the new movie comes out on Friday! So, let’s see how much useless Star Wars trivia is crammed away inside your head. Hopefully it’s just as much as mine.
Now, the rules:
- NO Googling. What fun is that? Try and see if you can answer without looking it up.
- No looking at other answers. This is a test of YOUR trivia, not others!
- No changing your answer. Any comment that has the word “Edited” next to it will be disqualified.
- Only one answer per person. Choose your answers wisely, Padawan.
If there’s only one person who answers correctly then choosing the winner will be easy. If there are multiple people who answer correctly then the winners will go into a hat and I’ll let Keeley the corgi choose. What will you win? A signed print copy of the latest Tales of Lentari book, Wizard in the Woods AND an automatic position as a Beta Reader for the 6th Tales of Lentari book as soon as I’m ready. I also have a Goodreads Giveaway ending very soon, so I’ll ship both books out at the same time, which will be this coming Friday (the 18th). Good luck!
They’ll start out easy and get progressively harder.
1. What’s the name of the creature Jabba the Hutt kept as a pet but was killed by Luke Skywalker during Han’s rescue in episode VI?
2. After Darth Maul’s demise in episode I, who did Darth Sidious take as an apprentice? What was his Sith name?
3. Where were the Pit of Sarlaac desert scenes filmed in real life?
4. How many actors have portrayed Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader? Name them.