Short Stories finally on Kindle!

BC – Short Stories
I wanted to make a brief announcement for all those fans who have Kindles. I’ve finally released the two short stories on Kindle. Disneyland Debacle and Winter Wonderland are bundled together and is as cheap as I can make it, which is $0.99. I’m still going through it to make sure the formatting took place properly, so if you notice anything out of the ordinary be sure to let me know! Here’s the link: Bakkian Chronicles – Short Stories. Of course, it’s being released through Smashwords, too, so give it a little bit of time and the major retailers should have it in their stores.
Don’t forget to sign up for your chance to win an autographed copy of Lost World (Tales of Lentari #1)! The giveaway is going on right now on Goodreads. The link is on the last post! Good luck to all who enter!
Happy reading! Seeing how I have a 2nd writing day this week, I’m off to take advantage of that! Pryllan and the gang are calling my name!