Has everyone figured out what WitW stands for yet? If not, hint: you can find it as preorder at Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple’s iBookstore, and a few others. I’m working on making it a preorder for Kindle. KDP Select (Kindle) requires a cover of some sort before I can do that, so I have to come up with some type of generic cover first. As soon as I do I’ll release it as a preorder and then let everyone know.
How’s everyone doing? Are you having a great week so far? The temps are heating up here in AZ, but it isn’t too bad. Yet. In less than a month I’m expecting to have the AC on 24/7. *sigh* That’s what you get when you live in the desert.
I have a new Goodreads giveaway going. It’s for a signed print copy of A Portal for Your Thoughts (Tales of Lentari #3). This particular giveaway is open to residents of the US only, I’m afraid. I’m trying to cut down on shipping expenses since the simple act of shipping one book overseas usually results in a bill that’s four times the worth of the book. Crazy, I know. And sorry to exclude some of you readers. Please don’t hold it against me. 🙂
Here’s the giveaway details…
I’m still looking into the idea of getting personalized bookplates. I’ve had quite a few readers want to know if they could purchase autographed copies of the books from me for their own collections. As I was mentioning earlier, shipping in the US (Media Mail) is quite reasonable. Get it outside the US and it becomes downright deplorable, so I’ve been looking into other options. Another author friend of mine was saying the same thing and he went that route. It’s working quite well so I’m seeing how feasible it is.
Remember, if you haven’t already, sign up for the newsletter in order to get the link to the free Tales of Lentari short story. Hunt for Red Oskorlisk falls between the events of Lost City and Something Wyverian This Way Comes. Wow. Had to think about that. Is that right? I had to look it up on my iPad. Yep, that’s right. Also, if you haven’t already, please consider leaving me a review wherever you purchased the book. Nothing will help an indie author out more than seeing positive reviews on Amazon, or Barnes & Noble, or Kobo, etc. If you liked it, or hated it, I can take it. 🙂
I still think it’s incredible that I’ve published 7 books and am actively working on my 8th. Plans for the 9th are also underway and I am actively working on that story, too. Yep. Two stories at the same time. I will warn you, though, ToL6 is going to be a little slower as this will be my first collaboration! That’s right. Another person is helping me write this one. Who? Well… you’re gonna have to wait and see!!!
That’s all for now. Feel free to friend me on Facebook or Instagram, or just leave me a message here. Ask a question. I will answer. I promise!